Sustainability in action: Recycling data as a catalyst for change

We believe that sustainability is not just about meeting politically set goals, but also about meeting our own, our colleagues’, customers’, and society’s expectations and demands. Therefore, for several years, we have dedicated ourselves to the development of the most effective and measurable CO2 calculation tool in the waste industry.

Our approach is based on two fundamental elements: Firstly, we believe that to comply with a political requirement for a recycling rate of 65%, it is necessary to have a tool that can precisely measure this. Similarly, it is crucial that we can measure the actual values when we are to reduce our CO2 emissions with 70% by 2030.

There is no real and concrete possibility to measure a company’s or an organization’s CO2 footprint in a “cradle-to-grave” process. The complexity is far too extensive, and the uncertainties are too great. Concepts such as “up-stream” and “down-stream” activities are not accurate in a calculation context, and “double-bookkeeping” of CO2 calculation records will inevitably occur. This is not just our thesis – it is a scientifically supported viewpoint and a fact.

But we also believe that we can specifically measure our ability to recycle resources, and we can and should factually measure our ability to reduce our CO2 footprint through this recycling.

It is this approach that has inspired the development of TheCo2Calculator. Therefore, we encourage you to clarify the actual results of the environmental work that we consider so important to participate in.